Copyright: The Kamloopian© Serfs Out West© Blue Tansu© The White Elephant Online Thrift Store© and associated logos are all copyrights of Delaneyworx ©, (established 1999).

Basically this: Get in touch with me first. I am pretty easy to work with and I do not mean to offend.
Also, I've read a lot of these disclaimers. They really only make the publisher feel comfortable as anybody can still spend more on a better legal team. - Guarantee: If you break one of my terrain pieces, that will be a real drag. If you find a similar piece for a cheaper price you will have done just that.

Disclaimer: A lot of the information compiled within this site has been gathered for the benefit of our visitors. The resources and links listed within the Kamloopian© domain are for the convenience of our guests and to point out other interesting, news, health and hobby related sites on the Internet. We do not endorse, nor do we guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in these articles or at these sites. All articles and publications remain the property of their respective author.

Another disclaimer, I am not in any way affiliated with Games Workshops nor any of the various other miniature making companies except

ALSO: Needing help with operating funds, I have turned to advertising revenue and also use Google's services. So,

  • Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on my sites.
  • Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to you users based on your visit to my sites and other sites on the Internet.
  • Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

Still another disclaimer, you can probably use ''I'' in place of the ''We'' and ''Our'' in most of the statements in the site as this really is a one man show.

Still another disclaimer: I do not share information, (don't keep any info to share), sell email addresses, spam anybody or the like. I use PayPal for secure payments, as a result I do not receive any financial info on you to collect.

Ninety five percent of my articles are covered under Creative Commons License If in doubt contact me.
